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We’re a skilled, agile team, dedicated to understanding your project’s real need and delivering the best outcomes. From consultancy and concepts through to delivery, we’ll adapt and align perfectly with your aims and objectives.


We’re set up to explore, bringing a fresh perspective to learning and engagement challenges, needs and possibilities. We’ll immerse in your world through learning needs analysis, audits, interviews, workshops and Gemba walks. 
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Bespoke learning solutions 


Bespoke is where we shine, really testing what’s possible creatively and technically, to deliver results. Drawing on inspiration from learning science, gameplay design and media we create unique, branded learning experiences.

Game-based learning 


We harness the power of play to transform the learning experience. From role-playing and sim-games to strategy games, gameplay is at the heart of our human-centred approach.
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Creative elearning 

We don't do ‘click next’ experiences, but we will push authoring tools to deliver as creative a solution as possible. It's elearning, but elevated, with bespoke film or animated video, crafted design and creative use of interactive features.  

Got a project in mind?

Let’s talk about how we can help you create L&D with real impact.
We’d love to talk, show you some work and hear where you are with L&D. Just drop a line.